Dive The El Dorado

El Dorado Dive Video
El Dorado History
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The Sinking of El Dorado
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The Job of El Dorado
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Second Life of El Dorado
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Date of Sinking: PLACE DATE HERE
Place date here from Spreadsheet in G Drive OR From http://www.floridapanhandledivetrail.com/
El Dorado Coordinates:
29° 58.569’ N – 085° 50.477’ W
Early History Of El Dorado
The El Dorado is a 1993 triple deck aluminum dining and gambling ship, previously called the Sun Dancer registered in Boston Mass. It was formerly a luxury cruise liner and service time a s a casino ship. It was transferred from the St. Andrews Marina to the Millville waterfront in 2011.She had been certified for 320 passengers. It served many years as a gambling vessel.She became an artificial reef candidate after hurricane Michael broke her loose for moorings in St. Andrews Bay and pushed it ashore near the FSU campus near the Hathaway Bridge. The FWC derelict vessel program assisted in raising the ship and had it towed her to her current location at St. Andrews Marina, downtown Panama City, where Bay County took possession of it.